How To Tell If EMFs Are Positive Or Negative

How to Tell If EMFs Are positive or Negative

Electromagnetic energy is the power required to move radiation across the field, and the changing magnetic and electric fields transfer EM energy. Can EMF radiation be positive or negative? 

EMF radiation that comes from ionizing radiation is harmful. It can cause burns, skin damage, hair loss, organ and tissue damage, damage to bone marrow and unborn fetuses. It can also have long-term implications like cancer and oxidative deterioration. Non-ionizing radiation is not as damaging, but it can still hurt human tissue. Overall, EMF radiation is negative.

Because the waves on the electromagnetic spectrum are diverse in both shape and strength, we need to know how to discern one from the other. This essay will discuss the electromagnetic spectrum, how to capture it, and how to record it.

Read on to know more about positive and negative EMFs and how to tell one from the other. 

What is electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum?

There are seven types of electromagnetic radiation, measured from left to right of a spectrum, as follows:

Radio waves: Low-frequency positive waves with the longest wavelengths and the least energy. Their size varies from the length of a football field to more than earth.

Microwaves: There are different kinds of microwaves. The C-band can pass through clouds, snow, rain, dust, smoke, and satellite communication. The L-band is used to operate GPS (global positioning system) and is used in TV, cell phone signals, and microwave ovens.

Infrared waves: There are three types: near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared. Far-infrared is used to locate and view objects in space and measure the earth’s temperature patterns through thermal imaging. When we change the channel on our TV using the remote, we are applying far-infrared.

Visible light: The fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum that the naked eye can see is known as the visible spectrum. Visible light, or simply light, is electromagnetic waves in this spectrum of frequencies. 380 to 750 nanometers is the range of wavelengths that a human eye can detect.

Ultraviolet waves: They have smaller wavelengths and greater energy; they are on the higher frequency end of the spectrum. UV radiation can be dangerous in excess, causing sunburns and damaging our DNA.

X-rays: These have a very high frequency and shorter wavelengths. They can be as small as an atom. They are used to detect objects, but high-level exposure is dangerous, necessitating the use of protective gear.

Gamma rays: These waves are at the extreme right end of the spectrum with a charge of 10-13 (wavelength in meters).

Fields of EM radiation

Fields of EM radiation

There are five fields of EMF radiation. Let’s take a look at them. 

Static field (0Hz): Found in the earth’s magnetic field, permanent magnets, in high-voltage direct current transmission lines, batteries, and in medical equipment like MRI scanners.

Low-frequency alternating fields (1kHz): Used by electrical appliances that run on a power supply.

Intermediate frequency range (1kHz to 10MHz): Mainly used for industrial and medical applications.

Intermediate and radiofrequency ranges (10MHz -300GHz) include radio broadcasting, medium waves, and shortwaves.

Microwaves (300MHz-300GHz): – Used by television stations, mobile networks, radar systems, and microwave ovens.

Terahertz waves are still in the non-ionizing radiation spectrum (300GHz -10THz, wavelengths from 1mm.- 30μ). Used by body scanners in airports and other industries. The infrared and the visible lights fall in this bandwidth.

UV and ionizing radiation are shorter wavelengths (100nm -1pm), including X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays.

What are the effects of different waves on health?

Ionizing radiation produced by the highest frequencies of electromagnetic energy like X-rays and gamma rays can be hazardous. It can cause carcinogenic DNA damage, radiation sickness, and death.

Non-ionizing radiation of lower-frequency waves like microwaves or radio waves is not of such grave concern. We are exposed to them in our daily lives when we use cell phones, tablets, smart meters, TVs, and microwaves.

Nevertheless, continuing global warming and emissions of greenhouse gasses, even non-ionizing radiation is becoming a threat.

We cannot throw away our gadgets or not use them. We have to use electricity even if the source is nuclear. In such a situation, it will be better for us if we can measure the emission of radioactive waves from different sources.

How will you discern positive from negative waves?

How will you discern positive from negative waves

The electromagnetic spectrum shows that high-frequency, shorter wavelength waveforms are negative while the broader wavelength, low-frequency waveforms like visible light, infrared, and radio waves are positive. Positive waves are potentially less dangerous than negative ones.

EMF meters

Knowing the kinds of EMF meters will help you decide which one is best for you when buying a suitable one. It will help you be aware of the amount of EMF radiation you are exposed to. The EMF meters are of three types, including:

Low-frequency radiation meters measure EMF radiation from electrical sources, electronic devices, power cables, and transformers.

High-frequency radiation meters measure EMF from cell phones, cell phone masts, wireless internet, Bluetooth devices, alarm systems, microwave ovens, TVs, wireless game consoles, etc.

Radioactivity meters measure a and b particles, gamma, and X-rays from granite tiles, medical equipment, subsoil, nuclear fallouts, etc.

Elevated EMF zones

  • It has been found that densely-populated areas with lots of mobile phone towers, antennas, higher power consumption, and dense electricity distribution have elevated EMF radiation.
  • Houses that have low voltage cables near bedrooms, living rooms, etc.
  • Offices, because of the abundance of wireless, artificial lighting, and other electronic devices.
  • Homes with wiring problems.
  • Upper floors of buildings due to greater exposure of high-frequency antennas.
  • Lower floors with poor ventilation and higher levels of radon.

EMF meters are handheld devices that can be purchased online. The local power company can also schedule an on-site reading. ELF fields depend on location and positioning; thus, they must be used at different places around the electrical appliances and inside your house. The walls near the wiring must also be checked.

The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act has made specific requirements, which all appliances that emit radiation must comply with. It should comply with medical device regulations if it is a medical device.

How do you calculate radiation with a calculator?

To estimate your yearly dose from the most significant sources of ionizing radiation, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has devised a calculator. Estimates are given in millirem (mrem), the US unit for effective dose, which measures the amount of radiation absorbed in the body. It considers the type of radiation received and the effects on particular organs.


It is essential to know the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. However, in the current context, owing to increased exposure and possible health hazards, including cancers, it is best to be cautious and take precautions to detect and remove harmful substances from high exposure or contact areas.

In terms of safety, an effective protection tool is an anti-radiation sticker. To know about anti-radiation stickers and how to use them, you can find my detailed article here.



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At the start, the aim of my research on EMF was to safeguard my family against the possible hazards of EMF radiation, but it has now become my mission to share this research with everyone. It is a fact that the threat of EMF is on the rise, but there are a number of ways by which we can protect ourselves.

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